Membership Category and Subscription
Any company incorporated in Malaysia, engaged in the industry as automation parts and sub-system manufacturers and resellers, software vendors, system integrators, machine manufacturers and automation industry service providers.
Any company / institution incorporated in Malaysia, engaged with the industry but does not meet the requirements to be accepted as a Corporate member. Affiliate members shall have all rights and privileges of Corporate members except the right to hold office or to vote.
Any individuals who are 21 years old and above that are interested in the automation technology industry or working / retired adults with the relevant technical qualifications and / or experiences and have strong interest in the automation technology industry. Individual members shall have all rights and privileges of Corporate members except the right to hold office or to vote.
Individuals who at the time of application are registered students of a recognized college or university pursuing studies leading to any associate, bachelor, masters or doctoral degree. Student members shall have all rights and privileges of Corporate members except the right to hold office or to vote.
Institutional member
Any company / institution which is a member of a legally constituted professional institution, association or organisation may be admitted as the institutional member upon approval by the Executive Committee. The institutional member shall have all rights and privileges of Corporate members except the right to hold office or to vote.